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ONELETRAN Writeshop: Introduction to Proposal Writing, Literature Immersion, and Writing Praxis. (PART 1)

Posted on Sept. 5, 2023 at 6:07 p.m.

A research writeshop is a valuable opportunity for researchers to enhance their writing skills and engage in collaborative learning that lead to publication. It provides a platform for participants to receive feedback, refine their writing techniques, and gain insights from experienced professionals.


The Human Resource Department (HRD) together with the Office of the Vice President for Academics and Research Division (OVPAR) and Research Department (RD) provide an interactive and invaluable space for the academic heads and faculty members to showcase their research abilities and to produce an impactful paper for publication. We invited a knowlegeable resource speaker for this writeshop. Here are the details: 


Title: ONELetran Writeshop: Introduction to Proposal Writing, Literature Immersion, and Writing Praxis. (PART 1)

Resource Speaker: Assoc. Prof. John Christopher B. Mesana, LPT, MACHS (Director, Research and Publication Department of Letran Manila) 

Place and Date: Letran Calamba's Frassati Hall, August 18, 2023, (8am to 5pm)

Host: Mr. Juan Gerrick B. Mallari, Opening Remarks: Dr. Floricon V. Encabo, Faciltators: HRD (Ms. Khae Oligo) RD (Ms. MM Tamayo, Mr. Xian Aguado, Ms. Angel Domingo, and Mr. Roi De Hitta)


May your research journey begin! Arriba, Letran! 

#ArribaLetran! #IChooseLetran #liveloveresearch